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How many are already on kitchen walls?
Serious question.
“I’m a big badass” he thinks as he walks past it.
I mean, I’d do the same if I got away with doing a crime scot free. It’s sad that this mugshot is the closest he got to any kind of accountability.
Mark my words, before his term is over, Trump will sign an EO that’s about him getting added to Mount Rushmore.
Dynamite is back on the menu!
Ah yes, the I grabbed my daughter by the pussy look he is so famous for.
And naturally not a single woman in that room.
Fuck Trump. Fuck Modi. (And that’s coming from a Hindu. He can fuck right off)
Imagine the level of narcissism required to frame and hang a photo of your own mug shot in the oval office for all to see… If I didn’t hate this so-called “man” so much I would instead be dumbfounded