I asked on Mastodon a few minutes ago if Alternativeto.net was going to add any country fields or badges in order to make it easier for users like us to choose and already got this answer! Feel free to go boost favorite/boost their answer here.
AlternativeTo has been my go to for years on finding open source alternatives to whatever program I am interested in.
Love to see stuff like this, thanks for sharing! :)
Thank you for sharing!
I like this
I wanna see EU flag there in all its beauty
What client is that
I hope that it makes its way here even though I know it won’t. American made products have been shitty for years anyways so I really don’t mind having an excuse to buy things that are getting money out of the US.
I was complaining of this just a week ago. Are they on Lemmy?
No, but they are on Mastodon
Well good, because hating a whole group of people as if they’re all one identical horrible person is so much more enlightened and forward-thinking than whatever old-school form of hate the new hate is hating. The world is so much easier when it’s a meme and everybody has a black hat or a white hat so you don’t have to think.
Especially with software you really want to know which goverment has the ability to force the company to give them your personal data.
The problem isn’t all the people, it’s the leverage that sufficiently terrible governments has against companies in their jurisdiction
Because there’s no difference between racism and criticizing a government amirite
No you’re wrong, and also wrong to define boycotting everyone who lives and works in a country as “criticizing a government.” But again, go ahead and see the world as a meme if that’s your limit.
No one is entitled to my money, I can buy from whatever country, corporation or person I see fit. If I decide you support something (directly or indirectly) that does not align with my values thats tough luck.
You can live in your moral purity bunker like some people live in their Freedom bunkers. My attitude is that everybody deserves to make a living even if they’re not like me.
This is not about moral purity but personal choices. I find it fascinating how aggressively you try to defend not making any.
Right, and not hiring them darkies or them trans folks is about PeRsOnAl ChOiCeS!
get help
It’s about sending the message that the world doesn’t need the US.
“Non-US” and “Non-Israeli” but not “non-russian”?
Lmao what a farce
- Kaspersky
- Yandex
- 1C Company
- vKontakte
- (probably) Telegram
And if you want to be extreme:
- Parallels (American company, Russian founder)
- JetBrains (Dutch company, Russian founders)
There you go, the full list: there are immense sanctions and Russia is cutoff of the banking system. Unless you are in Switzerland, I guess…Actually, that’s a badge I would ask for: “non-Swiss”.
Add in onlyoffice and 7z
Isn’t OnlyOffice Latvian?
7z is by a Russian freelance programmer indeed.
Both are free and open-source, which doesn’t make them less risky unless you can check the code, but at least no money is going to Russia.
Ascensio Systems SIA seems to be Russian owned and only Latvian firm on the paper.
The other company that was with ascensio launching onlyoffice is New Communication Technologies, and it is Russian company
Edit: there was a longer writeup about it earlier https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/39638530
Isn’t raindrop.io also Russian?
I don’t think there’s too many Russian products available compared to the rest