Van de Velde was booed and jeered while competing at the Games. Dutch Olympic officials went to lengths to protect him from the press during the event.

He has now opened up to Dutch publication NOS about his experience, admitting that while he anticipated backlash, the intensity of it took him by surprise. "I definitely had a moment of breaking down, both before the tournament and during it. But I thought ‘I’m not going to give others the power to bully me away or get me away’.

    1 month ago

    Preface: I am not defending any action done, or the people that act on impulse or through desire.

    If someone were to come to you and admit that they’re ashamed they like children in a sexually gratifying way, and stated that they never intend to act on those thoughts. How would you react?

    I’m expecting kneejerk reactions. Surprise me, Lemmy.

      1 month ago

      he did not only find minors attractive; he tortured and raped a minor for days nonstop, and got out after 1 year only. I’d hate to be that young kid watching her rapist get paid and cheered representing her country.

        1 month ago

        I’m not asking nor defending that in any way. I am challenging the typical way people look at individuals who are attracted to minors. There are people out there who are ashamed and scared. They know it’s wrong. They don’t act, yet the impulse is there, and with it the anxiety. There is a stigma even against them, those who can find help in treatment, but are labeled right alongside those who commit atrocities and act on that desire.

        It’s anger. Rightfully so. Often displaced.

        Paraphilia is considered a disorder for a reason. It can be treated, and it is important to make the distinction.

        I will die on this hill.

          1 month ago

          You see the problem is you are posting this altogether by itself rational argument in an irrational place; under a post in regards to a convicted and known rapist, therein implying that you wish to excuse that rapists actions.

          While it is correct that intrusive thoughts are simply human nature, acting on them is not. Harming children in any way is not acceptable and should not be excused. That distinction was already made here, as it wasn’t about intrusive thoughts at all.

          Case in point, I believe that you are either very confused, very stupid, or rage baiting.