In the face of ‘eradication’, one trans activist is preparing to fight – and she’s sick of silence and neglect from her supposed allies. Raquel Willis tells Io Dodds why Republican bathroom bans are everybody’s problem

    3 months ago

    The Theatre Of Identity on both sides of the aisle in the US was always bullshit to try and get more votes, if done differently:

    • Most of the Democracts don’t really care about Equality (especially not in the Wealth domain, though they pay lip service to the fight against a few non-Wealth inequalities), they care about themselves and the ultra-rich.
    • The Republicans don’t care about America or The American People, they care about themselves and the ultra-rich.

    Mind you, this is a pretty common pattern in other countries with electoral systems that boost a pair of “center” parties - there will be a “Right” one preaching some kind of nationalist pro-nation message and a “Left” one preaching anti-discrimination along racial/gender/sexual-orientation (but never wealth) lines, but they both serve the interest of the same people and will even get together to pass legislation that increases their own salaries, reduces the effectiveness of the fight against corruption or benefit some large well entrenched “regime” corporations who (by an amazing coincidence) employ in highly paid positions lots of politicians when they retire.

      3 months ago

      Yeah, I think dems don’t take equality seriously at all. The cultural equality stuff they parrot is to distract from the fact that they’ll never do anything to change the biggest inequality in the US, wealth and class. Even if it’d Freudian, in that they can point and say “see there? I want an equitable society” while ignoring the wealth inequality that is, statistically speaking, doing well for the college educated base they now encompass.

        3 months ago

        On my world account which I left a while ago I have various posts with like 20+ votes for and 20+ votes against because they were insulting/hurtful for the political tribalists but did actually make sense for those whose love for the tribe did not overrode their thinking ability.

        Way too many people grow a purely emotional relationship with a politial party so never actually analyse what they do and have knee-jerk reactions to criticism of their beloved party, which paradoxically leads that party to become worse over time because in the absence of criticism of it, the shit done inside the party by the sociopaths than naturally seek power, goes on unchallenged and festers.

        Granted, it’s easier to analyse US politics from the outside, but I actually behave the same when it comes to the politics of my country and even the leadership and membership of the political party I’m a member of here.