I feel like we shouldn’t be eating meat if we have to jump through so much shit to “make it work”. Putting increasing your tolerance to antibiotics on the top of the cake and it’s a no go for health reasons alone.
But we don’t have to jump through so much shit to make it work. We use science to treat or eliminate health issues in animals that existed well before modern medicine, or even before domestication. Be clear I’m not talking about the horrors of factory farming, but about veterinary medicine. People suffered before modern medicine too, but we’ve reduced mortality by a ton
I feel like we shouldn’t be eating meat if we have to jump through so much shit to “make it work”. Putting increasing your tolerance to antibiotics on the top of the cake and it’s a no go for health reasons alone.
But we don’t have to jump through so much shit to make it work. We use science to treat or eliminate health issues in animals that existed well before modern medicine, or even before domestication. Be clear I’m not talking about the horrors of factory farming, but about veterinary medicine. People suffered before modern medicine too, but we’ve reduced mortality by a ton
Antibiotics can be good, actually