Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. I wanted to play some, but didn’t want to do online so i hopped into story mode and messed around for a while and did a few of the Debt side quests. Todays is a screenshot of a small cat i got in strawberry.
And here’s a screenshot of a big cat i got near strawberry:
After getting the big cat’s pelt i took my horse to town to sell the pelt, and got it stuck in a pillar. I tried a ton but couldn’t get it out (this was also when i took the picture of the house cat). I ended up saying fuck it and paid my $180 bounty and took a stagecoach. Here’s the $180 idiot:
Before i left though i got this pretty landscape photo of the river in Strawberry. I like fishing here in online. It’s very relaxing to fish there and pretty too, especially when it rains.
Thought it was Skyrim on first look.
Ikr. Same grainy gray feel.
Yeah, me too.