Hello out there in Inter-land! This is a little side-project for the community. These are some favorite web-games, meant to kill a little time & have a little fun. Emphasis is generally on simplicity over fancy graphics & complicated rules.

(NOTE: most of these will jump to full-screen mode if you click a button in the bottom right corner)

–GAME– (clickable thumbnail) –DESCRIPTION–
8VENTURE An ingenious riff on the classic Atari 2600 game. Unlike the other ‘sequels’ I’ve seen, this one reworks most of the elements and gameplay.
Prince of Persia The mega-classic, pioneering platform game with smooth animation. Note that you can jump levels and boost health by fiddling with the URL.
Super Star Trek 1978 x 25th Anniversary edition The original Star Trek computer game from 1978, overlaid with lovely pixelated graphics and sounds from the 16-bit anniversary adventure game.
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