They could offload the processing to a device that does. They currently do this for personal requests. Putting 8 gigabytes of RAM in a smart speaker is a bit silly.
8 gb of RAM may be a lot for the average smart speaker, but not for one that costs $300. Then again, we know Apple prices RAM like it’s made from diamonds and unicorn queefs.
I don’t think they have enough memory to run Apple Intelligence.
They could offload the processing to a device that does. They currently do this for personal requests. Putting 8 gigabytes of RAM in a smart speaker is a bit silly.
8 gb of RAM may be a lot for the average smart speaker, but not for one that costs $300. Then again, we know Apple prices RAM like it’s made from diamonds and unicorn queefs.
Possibly, but I’m not sure that’s what OP was looking for in an answer.