Advocates say it is discrimination and are arguing for “insurance fairness” on the grounds that people who have joints surgically replaced typically don’t face the same kinds of coverage challenges.
Capitalism drives the health insurance company too. Greedy investors fund the health insurance decisions. All insurance companies, actually, with the possible exception of mutuals.
Profit margin for who…? They already have your premium payments so actually covering your care gives them nothing, as far as they’re concerned you can do one. That’s why claim denial is the primary role of an insurance provider and all of its metrics, not coverage, the goal is to keep as much of your money as possible.
Capitalism is not the issue in this case. I’m certain that prostetics have adequate profit margins. It’s a lucrative business.
The issue here is that the insurance company just doesn’t want to pay for it.
It’s the insurance company that doesn’t have an adequate profit margin without screwing their customers over.
Capitalism is not the issue? Yet everything you just said the reason is for adequate profit margin is indeed capitalism.
That’s part of capitalism, too.
That’s just greed. I hate capitalism as much as anyone else here, but there’s no need to pin plain theft on any -ism.
That’s capitalism. That’s all it is.
Capitalism drives the health insurance company too. Greedy investors fund the health insurance decisions. All insurance companies, actually, with the possible exception of mutuals.
Profit margin for who…? They already have your premium payments so actually covering your care gives them nothing, as far as they’re concerned you can do one. That’s why claim denial is the primary role of an insurance provider and all of its metrics, not coverage, the goal is to keep as much of your money as possible.