Specialized microchips that manage signals at the cutting edge of wireless technology are astounding works of miniaturization and engineering. They're also difficult and expensive to design.
And yet, this AI expert stated that we don’t know why the AI designed the chip in specific ways. There’s a difference between understanding the rough mechanism for something, and understanding why something happened.
Imagine hiring an engineer to design something, they hand you a finished design; they cannot explain what it is, how they actually designed it, how it works, or why they made the specific choices they did.
I never made the false equivalency you claimed I did, and you also never addressed my second criticism, which is telling.
And yet, this AI expert stated that we don’t know why the AI designed the chip in specific ways. There’s a difference between understanding the rough mechanism for something, and understanding why something happened.
Imagine hiring an engineer to design something, they hand you a finished design; they cannot explain what it is, how they actually designed it, how it works, or why they made the specific choices they did.
I never made the false equivalency you claimed I did, and you also never addressed my second criticism, which is telling.