Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985 December 13, 2024 – The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the lack of a “middle” option politically, an unwillingness from governments...
Canadians are disgusted by their country, go talk to some. I’m gonna give the rest of that the respect it deserves by ignoring it.
And yet, the data you’ve provided disagrees. 81% of surveyed Canadians either are deeply and emotionally attached to Canada, or are attached to Canada as long as it provides a good standard of living for its citizens. Regardless of how you or Angus Reid attempt to spin that data, it’s right in front of you: Canadians are not disgusted with our country.