They must be those cool folks from r/onguardforthee and r/fredericton! Lets get off those american Reddit servers eh!
Update: there’s a thread on r/buycanadian with 93 upvotes, promoting the platform! Open the floodgates baby!
They must be those cool folks from r/onguardforthee and r/fredericton! Lets get off those american Reddit servers eh!
Update: there’s a thread on r/buycanadian with 93 upvotes, promoting the platform! Open the floodgates baby!
Just joined to get away from Reddit - I’m pleasantly surprised with how active it seems here despite the much smaller community! This is exciting!
We like to party too!
Question for you: are pretty much all of the users Canadian or in Canada? Is it possible to tell?
You can join communities on other instances too if you have specific interests.
Users that you see with an email-like suffix to their name are using different websites and are less likely to be Camadian (though, as you know/ we are everywhere). Users without the suffix (if your client omits local addressing) are on and are much more likely to be Canadian.
True enough. I joined a British instance for reasons that seemed good enough to me at the time I signed up. I kind of pity any Canadian who decided to sign up with an American instance somewhere back in the depths of time, though—I don’t think Trump will manage to put a tariff on electrons, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try, and the last I checked, migration of accounts between servers in the Fediverse was still kind of half-baked.
I like being in a regional instance, it means I can view local and see Australian news etc, it also means I don’t need to tell people where I’m from as often
Just FYI, I don’t believe that this is strictly true. In most cases it is, but I’ve seen many users outside my instance without the suffix. I believe that if someone edits their display name it drops the suffix, or at least it used to. Maybe that’s been corrected?
I would assume most users are Canadian as they would have more related interests here.
Hi, I use, another fantastic Canadian instance, and I’m British! Big love!