Most Americans do not support this madness. Too many Americans refused to take their civic duty seriously, with 42% abstaining.
77M people voted for Trump out of 245M registered voters. That’s less than a third of registered voters, and less than a quarter of the population of 335M.
Well, it could be argued that most Americans support this if the majority decided to not vote, which supported Trump, or voted for him. But also at some point, not resisting also becomes tacit support. I say that knowing I haven’t taken to the streets yet, but I hope that true resistance does foment. Otherwise we’re pretty much complicit in the downfall and the genocide when it starts.
You’re right to say abstainers are complicit in getting Trump elected, but I wouldn’t conflate that inaction with support.
Well, most people feel disenfranchised and disengaged from the system. When people tell you that their vote doesn’t matter, they mean very literally that it feels to them that they have no control over the system. It’s just this thing out there that is unresponsive to their wants and needs, and they just have to deal with it. Is it any wonder that people don’t feel a civic duty?
For sure. I understand how people feel, and how that affects their investment, but feelings and duty are exclusive.
Duty: something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation
Taking civic duty seriously means recognizing and fulfilling one’s obligation, regardless of one’s own investment in the responsibility.
For example, I was nauseated casting my vote for Hillary in 2016 after what she and the DNC did to Bernie. I fulfilled my duty, albeit reluctantly.
But it doesn’t matter, because Trump was elected. So even though I voted for Harris and go to protests, I’m still apparently complete scum.
I wish Charlie Angus could be our next PM
It’s too bad he’s retiring from politics. He would have been a great leader of the NDP.
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He specifically cited the coming changes to his riding as part of the reason for his retirement. His riding of Timmins-James Bay is set to expand by more than 20,000 square kilometres, encompassing many new communities and being renamed Kapuskasing-Timmins-Mushkegowuk in the next federal election.
You can see my deleted comment? Interesting!
Was that change for gerrymandering to get the NDP out?
You can see my deleted comment? Interesting!
I replied through the notification, so maybe there’s a race condition?
Was that change for gerrymandering to get the NDP out?
Eh. I think (but I’m not sure) that Canada’s electoral boundary commissions are fairly arms length. I suspect it’s more about getting a larger population for the riding, but I haven’t looked into it.
If anything was fishy, I expect Charlie Angus would have raised the issue.
People aren’t going into the streets because trumps goal is to incite protests and respond with martial law and then the nakedly fascist state fig leaf removed begins.
We need to be showing up to protests armed like the far right does if we have any standing chance, but the so called left and liberals are weak and soft as hell, caring more about micro aggressions, trigger warnings and being nonviolent martyrs than actually effectively protesting. And that’s when they’re not being snarky with sharp comebacks on social media thinking that’s actually doing something, meanwhile the fascists have been organizing for decades, took over congress, the school boards, the federal judiciary, built their own media, etc. But you know, kneeling in kente clothe in congress is progress to these soft liberal morons.
I protested for years and I voted since I was old enough in every election and it doesn’t fucking matter. Protests don’t matter when the ruling class doesn’t care. The dis United States is collapsing faster than ever now. Some say it began with not holding Nixon accountable. I believe it started with bush stealing 2000. But the democrats are a controlled opposition party and haven’t done shit to stop them in 25+ fucking years and all the so called left aka liberals have to offer is to vote harder or it’s your fault the country fell to fascism.
As a real fucking leftist and not a fucking pussy ass milquetoast liberal I’ve been shouting at the top of my lungs for years about the rise of fascism in this country only to be gaslit mocked and ridiculed. Oh and banned from most social media platforms because my views are “inciting violence” meanwhile the state does violence against us and the rest of the world every goddamn fucking day.
In America she’d be called Fall.
Ah, so on theme.
How is it that Trump is able to so easily dance circles around lawyers and politicians and move around the law without actually breaking it? How are career politicians outmaneuvered by this guy? What the fuck are you guys paying them for? I feel like people who’s whole career has been politics or law should know how to beat this guy. Or at least been able to stop him somehow at some point along the way. It’s almost as if they let him become president because even the people who are supposed to be opposed to him benefit from him in some way or their benefactors do.
How is it that Trump is able to so easily dance circles around lawyers and politicians and move around the law without actually breaking it?
That’s the funny part, he DOES break the law. Constantly. But the courts are stacked in his favor so they don’t give a shit. You can’t use the law to stop someone who is above the law
It also doesn’t help that the Democratic party only pays lip service to any kind of resistance
Most Americans are starting to learn for the very first time how grossly undemocratic the U.S. government actually is. People have had absolute faith in an institution that was held together by bubblegum and hope. Hell, most of what he’s doing isn’t even illegal. We just hoped that presidents would have enough tact not to abuse their privilege, and never imagined our courts could be captured as well.
Well, fuck your politicians for being useless cunts. They should have seen this coming. We all did. We knew he was gonna win and to think he of all people would respect the position he is in is ludicrous. Now I’m gonna get invaded or have my economy crashed at best.
Of course they saw this coming, and genuinely fuck the Democratic Party for being controlled opposition, but a pretty large chunk of the blame falls on the United States public who just watched as civics education in this country collapsed. An unqualified electorate electing unqualified leaders isn’t a surprise, and we spent most of the last 50 years trying to make sure the average American was as dumb and misinformed as possible. Hell, maybe if Americans were actually taught how fragile the U.S. system of government is, we’d have made serious reforms of it before now.
So how likely do you think it is the US comes back from this? Like it honestly does look like the collapse of western civilization is happening right now. Europe is almost in all out war with Russia and even if that doesn’t happen, more and more countries over there are electing the far right. America is about to invade all of its allies and even if they don’t do it, their diplomatic reputation has been completely shattered. No matter what way you look at it, this does seem like the end of western civilization. What comes after I think is already known. It will be the silicon valley take over plus whatever project 2025 is.
Oh like 0%, IMO a civil war and the collapse of the United States is the best case scenario. A third of Americans are blackshirts, a third have been yelling about the blackshirts for decades, and the other third are asking people to keep their voices down. That just isn’t a recipe for a legal reversal of what’s happening. Either a civil war happens and the fascists lose, or we’ll become like Russia without any serious opposition.
Look up curtis yarvin, Peter thiel, Marc andreeson. They along with jd Vance and elo musk all subscribe to a similar ideology which I think is what is in store for you guys. I’m hoping it doesn’t reach us here, but I’m pretty sure it will since it’s almost a guarantee that we will be annexed. Looking at moving to another continent but I don’t know which one is actually safe anymore. Maybe Australia?
Please keep calling it twitter, that’s what it always has been.
Twatter, alternatively, may even be better
I can’t believe there are no (significant) protest. They just sit there and whine.
There are active protests at every government building in every state, today. There was one on Jan 21 and Feb 5 as well. There will be more later.
Yeah, moderately medium sized whelming efforts.
There have been huge protests in every state, but the oligarch owned media isn’t covering it. They’re also refusing to run anything that may hurt the giant diaper baby.
Here’s the thing, I think most people fundamentally understand that peaceful protest isn’t going to work on the Trump administration. So, I think for a lot of USians, it’s coming down to a bunch of nervous sidelong glances at each other, trying to figure out who your allies are and when it’s finally going to be worth doing what’s needful.
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Make up your minds. Are we worthless scum who deserve no voice because Trump was elected, or are we allies in the fight against fascism? You can’t hate us one day and then ask for us to fight side by side the next.
People are mad at Americans collectively because collectively your culture let this happen–so what people want to see is the slightest inkling that you understand the nature of the problem, have a sense of responsibility about it, and are shifting your mindsets to do something about it.
Coming online to whine at Canadians doesn’t inspire confidence that you get it.
Personally, I’m just hoping that I’m what I’m seeing online is not representative of what Americans are doing because yeah… Some of the online American response I have been seeing… Woof.
Most Americans don’t care, or are celebrating. Nothing changed for 90% of people I see IRL. Groceries are getting a bit more expensive but “things gotta get worse for a bit before they can get better” - their words, not mine.
People are allowed to be mad about our government threatening them.
Yes they can, because they’ve got the same kind of propaganda pumping through their news media too.