There’s Beaver Buzz. I’ve found it here and there (London Drugs is one place). I wish they had a sugar-free option and were priced a little cheaper, but I don’t think I’ll be buying Monster any more.
Actually, I just looked into it a little more - they’ve got it at Superstore. Currently on sale, too. I just wonder why Beaver Buzz has no mention of having anything to do with Canada (it’s BC owned and produced) while they’ve got “prepared in Canada” for Monster and Reign.
There’s Beaver Buzz. I’ve found it here and there (London Drugs is one place). I wish they had a sugar-free option and were priced a little cheaper, but I don’t think I’ll be buying Monster any more.
Actually, I just looked into it a little more - they’ve got it at Superstore. Currently on sale, too. I just wonder why Beaver Buzz has no mention of having anything to do with Canada (it’s BC owned and produced) while they’ve got “prepared in Canada” for Monster and Reign.