I’ve grown up and lived in a medium sized town in the Midlands most of my life. During my late teens, 20s, and early 30s I’ve always enjoyed weekends away in Manchester, Birmingham, and London a few times a year, visiting friends and going to events.

Just got back from a weekend in London, the first one in a couple of years, and I just feel… drained. In all honesty I felt that way by the end of the first day.

I’ve never wanted to live in London, but in the past I’ve always enjoyed myself there for a long weekend. This time felt different, exhausting. Is it an age thing? Has anyone else found themselves enjoying city life less and less as they get older?

  • 9point6@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    In my mid 30s, I’ve been in Manchester for over a decade and I’m not at all tired of it yet, but I can relate to how you’re feeling.

    Possibly projecting here, but in my experience the feeling comes from the frequency of visits to these cities dropping off Vs the things you’d want to do there increasing inversely. I get a bit exhausted going to London these days because I inevitably try to see too many old friends in too many different places. Or I do what I visit for and then try to “make the most of it” and try and visit somewhere else on top.

    When I was younger I went and did what I was visiting for, and had a great time—there wasn’t this self imposed pressure to pack stuff into the visit.

    Might be completely off the mark, but that’s my self reflection anyway