As the title says, with things getting… spicy, I’m looking to purchase my first firearm.

I haven’t shot a gun since I was a kid, and I live in a deep blue area.

I want to make sure I cross all my T’s in making sure whatever I get is appropriate and practical.

What sort of accessories are typically purchased with a firearm, and how much should I look to spend for something of reasonable quality?

I’m assuming a few things are a given like a safe and extra ammo. What else do you suggest?

And not to beat a horse to death, and of course, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but are there brands that can be supported without feeling like my money is going to making problems worse?

    1 month ago

    The biggest thing is to find a place you can hold, and then rent and try out several guns. The best gun is the one most comfortable for you to shoot.

    I have no advice on picking a brand that’s less bad than others from a policy type standpoint. I find virtually every brand supports some cause I’m not a fan of. The same goes with buying ammunition, accessories, range time etc. My money inevitably goes to some crummy causes, but it’s what I accept to keep my family safe in this unfortunate timeline.

    I personally run 9mm and love my Caniks, and I really like my wife’s Walther, for what it’s worth.