FreeCAD is a start, but nowhere as good as AutoCAD, unfortunately. I haven’t tried GIMP’s v3.0 version yet, but 2.x is terrible to use. Depending on what you need to do, Krita would be a better alternative.
The best alternative to commercial CAD systems is commercial CAD systems if you know what I mean. That said, FreeCAD is the only option if you want to run on Linux. Inventor, Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc, are all borked even in wine.
Word alternative: I started trying out OnlyOffice, based in Latvia. So far it seems decent. Definitely doesn’t look as dated as Open- and LibreOffice.
Logic, FL Studio alternative: Audacity is in my opinion not a serious alternative. If you want simple voice overs, sure, but otherwise no. I’d recommend Reaper instead. Not open source, but there aren’t many DAWs that are (maybe Ardour, but I don’t have experience with it ). Reaper is really open as far as proprietary DAWs go.
And for software like Microsoft and Adobe:
Some more recommendations
I don’t know Ardour but these are actually solid!
Look, I love Audacity which is an awesome audio editor but it is absolutely not an alternative to Logic or Fl, which are DAWs.
FreeCAD is a start, but nowhere as good as AutoCAD, unfortunately. I haven’t tried GIMP’s v3.0 version yet, but 2.x is terrible to use. Depending on what you need to do, Krita would be a better alternative.
Audacity isn’t a good replacement at all for those. It has a different purpose. There should be LMMS and Ardour instead
The best alternative to commercial CAD systems is commercial CAD systems if you know what I mean. That said, FreeCAD is the only option if you want to run on Linux. Inventor, Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc, are all borked even in wine.
Lol who’s using winamp and real player in 2025?
Who’s using VLC in 2025? It renders colours in mkvs so badly sometimes! mpv (with SMPlayer as front end) is where it’s at!
MPV > all
Me :)
With the old UI too (Winamp)
Lots of things in life may change, but my mp3 player must always stay the same.
Winamp was good but real player has always been trash
Yeah, I’ve pretty much just continued to use the media software my dad used in the 2000’s, which was Winamp for mp3s and VLC for video.
I still use Winamp 5.666 but with the Big Bento theme. I still can’t find a replacement that would be just as good or better.
Word alternative: I started trying out OnlyOffice, based in Latvia. So far it seems decent. Definitely doesn’t look as dated as Open- and LibreOffice.
Logic, FL Studio alternative: Audacity is in my opinion not a serious alternative. If you want simple voice overs, sure, but otherwise no. I’d recommend Reaper instead. Not open source, but there aren’t many DAWs that are (maybe Ardour, but I don’t have experience with it ). Reaper is really open as far as proprietary DAWs go.