“We’re going to keep them out until such time as they agree that it’s the Gulf of America,” Mr. Trump said Tuesday.
But he urged the Trump administration to reconsider its two-week-old ban, saying that case law “is uniformly unhelpful to the White House.”
When it became clear the first ban would be found illegal, they just try another.
If there is no enforcement mechanism to enforcing the law on the executive branch, there is no law.
The executive branch is actually supposed to be, yknow, executing the laws. That’s why they are called that.
The executive branch is actually supposed to be
Supposed to is irrelevant. A system that doesn’t have guard rails against what is taking place is a bad system.
I was agreeing with you, for the record, just providing context.
It’s hard to believe that with all of the malicious shitheads we’ve suffered in our politics previously, this buffoon is the guy breaking the system. (I agree with both of you agreeing.)
It doesn’t take intelligence to destroy. Just a willingness to do so.
I don’t think this term was as profitable for the media companies as last term. You got him elected and blocked journalism is the result. So you’re traitors that have caused their own demise.
I hope you fix it for all of our sake, but you need to look at what you have done.
Edit: And still are doing.
Bezos is still a rich fucker and getting richer. Pretty sure all the other oligarchs who own the media don’t care either.
Nailed it.
Could not upvote enough!
Then the “out” press pool can just make stuff up, since they have to guess. “Donald Trump walked out of the bathroom and into a press briefing one hour ago. While we don’t know what the press briefing is about, we can state that before going to the bathroom Trump was seen finishing a cheeseburger. Walking out, he was seen licking his fingers. Our reporter notes that there was no sound of running water prior to Trump’s emergence from the bathroom.”
The great thing about this is it’s always going to be reported first also since the stories can be prepared ahead of time.
Oh, look, Trump is trampling on the first amendment again
No you see the first amendment only refers to social media allowances
First amendment only applies to saying slurs and spreading conspiracies on the internet
Not sure if you’re joking, but “freedom of the press” is literally protected in the first amendment
I’m joking yeah - typically GOP & Company only cry about 1st amendment if it’s applied against them
They are afraid of being questioned! Such pussies.