Dr Elizabeth Bright is an Osteopath and Naturopath specializing in improving hormone function naturally through diet. She has written Good Fat is Good For Women: Menopause and Good Fat is Good For Girls: Puberty and Adolescence. You can find her and not at her website: elizbright.com

A conversation about the value of cholesterol and hormonal health. Lots of history discussed as well, fascinating

  • jet@hackertalks.comOPM
    29 days ago

    They dive into the 7th day adventists and their influence on dietary policies.

    To be fair, the influence of ASF on healthy sex hormones is well established, so for a religious group advocating for ASF abolition to reduce people’s sexual nature is rather clever and effective.

    The importance of the adrenals in the hormone cycle.

    The bariatric surgery gall stone link was fascinating.

    One of her references is that carbohydrates changed the shape of female hips causing more birth issues, i need to dig up her book on that factoid, I’m not sure what the mechanism would be. Less ASF and more PBF leads to shorter humans and other bone structure changes, which leads to smaller birth canals? - something like that. Birthweights are highly correlated with gestational diabetes, so babies get bigger on a PBF diet making delivery more difficult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstetrical_dilemma

    Male brains are 11% smaller, female 17% smaller, then pre-agriculture humans. I wonder if this is now a genetic component or could be reversed in two generations of ASF? She also indicates pre-agriculture humans would have about 3 kids, thats interesting. The association of agriculture with increased fertility may not be a good thing for the mothers health, its very nutritionally expensive

    She says puberty is now happening at 7/8 whereas it used to happen at 16ish, due to dietary carbohydrates.

    Great analogy that robin hood was about giving the poor access to the meat. Hunting was forbidden in the kings forest.

    Dr. Chaffee gives this gem - 90% of treatment today is focused on non-communicable chronic diseases NCDs with a root in poor diet. Not acute injuries (things you would need a emergency room for)

    Dr Bright has also conducted other interviews https://www.elizbright.com/interviews