Now that we all dont buy american products anymore and dont use their programs and services, i want to do something more, but i dont have any ideas. Please write some! :)
I thought i would put my old things which stood around for months, on websites similar to Ebay. I also thought about recycling them, but to that would be a waste since they still have a worth.
Go to your employer and suggest (or demand) that you switch out American services and products for European ones.
I work in telecommunications in Europe and this already started last year.
Only as a company, though. We can’t control when government officials let NSA have direct access to our cables, though…
Gotta get off both Microsoft and Apple products too.
Get people off Reddit
The network effect makes it very difficult. It’s like pulling teeth right now to convince my spouse to give up on Instagram.
Oh, don’t worry, I know. By the way, if you are new, here are some communities for you
Will check it out!
Pixelfed is the fediverse equivalent btw, in case you didn’t know 😊 Probably a rough switch anyways
Maybe petition local government to transition their IT into EU based service?
I know it will probably fall on deaf ears, but I’m thinking about contacting my local politicians about transitioning government IT into Linux OS and EU Cloud service. I don’t expect them to take me seriously, but at least I can take four hours of my life every half year.
Another idea: consolidate ! with this community. They both have the same rules anyway (EU + friendly neighboring countries)
People coming from Reddit and finding the other one as it has the same name as the sub aren’t finding this one which is much more active.
If you want to sell stuff put it on local markets like Vinted, Subito(Italy), Marketplats(Netherlands) etc
Reparations for colonialism
Continue ongoing work of turning away from exploitative systems in society such as supporting syndicalist/collectivist business structures instead of capitalism
Fans of Europe’s history of colonialism, I guess.