Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent Republican congresswoman and a staunch ally of Trump, suggested a return to “measles parties” for children. She criticized contemporary attitudes towards vaccination, stating, “Now, they demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids.”
i had chickenpox as a kid, i remember the aveeno baths for it, we were set in the same room to “inonculate” the rest of the siblings. as there was no vaccine at the time. Chickenpox is quite severe for adults though. i did get shingles around 20yo though. theres is shingles to potentially turn severe, but its rare. shingles can cause meningitis, and encephalitis, as well as spinal cord damage.
people who arnt sure about thier chickenpox immunity can ask thier doctors to do antibody titers(it doesnt detect dormant chickenpox in your ganglia though because theres no way to detect it outside of autopsy), your doctor maybe reluctant to administer the test though.
When my husband moved to Germany from Russia, he had no idea whether he was vaccinated as a child or not (he very likely was, but there weren’t records he was aware of and his mom died early). So he went to the doctor’s to ask for titers. They said they could test that but he would have to pay out of pocket, and offered to just vaccinate him again for free. He went through all the children’s vaccines - including chicken pox, which wasn’t around when we were kids (90s). It is the simpler, more accessible, and cheaper alternative to titers.
I got chickenpox before the vaccination was a thing. It sucked. Then I got shingles a few years ago. That really sucked.
When my cousin had chicken pox my mom popped her finger in my cousin’s mouth, then popped that finger in my and my brother’s mouths.
I was a kid in the 90s and while pox was already somewhat of old sounding word, it feels especially archaic to realize that kids don’t have to go through any poxes anymore.