I’m a bit perplexed at the amount of men I’ve matched with who are hardcore, Trump-voting Republicans. These guys are fully open to the idea of being in a relationship (not just a hookup) with a trans person, but staunchly support Trump. How does that logic work?
So I’m a straight cis guy, extreme lefty, my guess would be one of two things that may actually have a lot of intersection:
It probably sounds ridiculous and crazy and I’m sure there’s more violent bigots making lists too so be safe.
I hope this doesn’t come across poorly just relaying the insanity of many conservative/religious men I’ve met
Catholics and Mormons are famously able to “beat the system” by both the poophole loophole, and soaking. So both of those stand to reason for me.
This might be the craziest shit I’ve ever heard of. Thinking God will see you raw dogging anal or just fucking without moving and be like “damn I didn’t explicitly say, they got me.”