What are some of Russia’s historical analogues or antecedants who were eased into mitigation?

Its all about the easing process of defanging them. Like gently but firmly removing the reins of power and helping the pesky ones go quietly into this sad night

  • Death_Equity@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    If Russia is going to do Russian things, then Russian things will happen.

    Historically Russia empire builds until they collapse due to poor policies, their territories separate, Russia economically rebounds, Russia then empire builds.

    The best we can hope for is hold a line that they won’t cross and we can have diplomacy and cultural exchange that leads to a more progressive government that doesn’t feel “othered” by the world, as has been the case, and then Russia can be welcomed into the international community as a friend.

    No peoples that are alienated and maligned will be peaceful, Russia and Best Korea are examples of this. We can be their friends and let our friendship be get peace.