Reeses is disgusting, I don’t understand how they make any sales here
I will take weird Swedish licorice and salt bs any day over reeses.
If you are trying to buy European in the US - this brand is available in Aldi. Aldi has great chocolate
Aldi’s is the shit. I hate to sound like a shill, but they really are. No marketing, no bs apps or reward programs. Just no nonsense groceries. They beat prices by a large margin in my area.
I’ve bought them often. It’s really good as is the hazelnut.
aldis bag of reeses cups is something that I crave often since I moved away from a place that has aldi. They are so much cheaper and less unpleasant to be in than walmart too.
Schogetten 😋
I have never seen this flavour. I love Schogetten and I’m a sucker for peanut butter. Something tells me you found them in the UK?
To be completely fair, I found that picture on the Internet 😄
If only…
I freaking love Schogetten!!!
We need this in canadian grocers!
The German dedication to variety in Chocolate flavouring is impressive. Ritter Sport could make their own catalogue.
For a while, I got addicted to Ritter Sport, but then inflation made it too expensive to me…
Also Ritter Sport is not the kind of business that dies good things. Quite the opposite actually.
My favorite.
I bet this is really tasty.
Ah, this was my favourite as a kid. But by the time I could buy the chocolate I want I already had to watch my weight. Life sucks.
Go to your local Aldi’s, get some of this actual good chocolate. Moser Roth is also good
Reece’s is way too sweet anyways. Just thinking about it makes my teeth hurt.
My mother used tu buy a German? Austrian? Chocolate at Lidl when I was a child… Something along the lines of “edelram”? I don’t remember it clearly, but I remember the flavor 🤤
Where can I get this state side?
Schogett it!