she yells at me for everything. she hits me (not hard) ruins my mental health, doesnt want me talking to anyone besides her.

she says everyone hates me, that only she likes me. then she said that me not knowing social skills and being mentally ill was stupid and that im a terrible person. she told me i should die.

she hates me bc i have a disability, she tried to strangle me once and claim it was a joke. i hate her so much. i have to see her every day.

    10 days ago

    I also used to have a friend that hit me (not hard) when i was a teen.

    Took me until well into adulthood to realize that

    1. they actually hit decently hard cause it did hurt but i just internalized “they could hit much harder”

    2. It doesn’t matter how hard they actually did hit because the behavior and intend alone are problematic enough.

    3. I simply called them my friend coming from a lack of positive experiences in friendships.

    This is a slightly different case, i dont think there was any hate, just mental disorder. But the real friends i have now (also with mental health struggles) would never do something like this.

    People being frustrated with autism is normal, friends getting upset now and then is normal.

    Physical violence and expressing direct hate are far from normal.