I got 150€ as a birthday gift and thought that combined with the small amount of money I have, I might just have enough to get an old used laptop. The thing is, I’m not tech savvy and don’t know what kind would be a good choice.

I’d want something old enough to have a DVD slot. Other requirements are having space and battery life, though I don’t think I can have very high standards on my budget. I’d want something that lasts a long time, not some planned obsolence bs.

Are Thinkpads any good? I have been using one for school and think that a Thinkpad might be okay if it just didn’t run Windows. I have been thinking about getting an older Thinkpad and downloading Linux on it, but from what I have heard, Linux seems to be complicated for someone who is not that good with tech. Any thoughts?

  • Tahl_eN@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    I can’t help you directly, but I can offer some encouagemnet on the Linux front. I just installed Pop!Os on a 15 year old laptop. The only technical things I had to do were download the software that let me put the installer on a flash drive, and dig up one console command to enable the very old touchscreen. Everything else in the experience has been as easy as Windows. In some cases, easier - for example, software updates don’t force the computer to restart