Hey redfugees! I’m a little OOTL… I know reddit has been going downhill for a while, but how has it suddenly nosedived? What triggered it? It’s bewildering, and they’re losing countless users.
Hey redfugees! I’m a little OOTL… I know reddit has been going downhill for a while, but how has it suddenly nosedived? What triggered it? It’s bewildering, and they’re losing countless users.
“Eat the rich” is specifically cited as a violent and violence encouraging statement, bannable.
Upvotes of such statements will also be given bans.
Eat the rich??? Ffs that’s absurd. Honest question… are they trying to destroy reddit?
And like nobody wants to actually eat the rich, they’d probably taste terrible.
Consider that the rich would do anything rather than become a regular-ass person