I have recently gotten into Game and Watch games and have found a big appreciation for them. I have mostly only played ones available through Game and Watch Gallery 3. But recently I got my hands on the newest Zelda one as well as an original Mario’s Cement Factory. I think there’s so much to like about each individual unit. What is your favorite game of all the series? Did you play them when they were first released? Which one has the best design in both gameplay as well as the physical unit itself? Curious to know other opinions.
I have one of the original Zelda ones. I played it loads, but it’s the only one I have/had.
Hold on to that one, it’s pretty hard to get nowadays. I really like how much they tried to accomplish on that. They definitely tried to make it more than a short high-score romp.
Bomb Sweeper. I’ve not actually played much Game & Watch since back in the day, so this is mostly from childhood memory and I have no idea how well it stands up but that was my favourite at the time and it’s nostalgia. It’s a multi-screen but the top screen was mostly cosmetic, you had to navigate some kind of maze on the bottom screen. I’ve still got it, I should dig it out some time.
Game & Watch Gallery 2 was the first game I ever owned, and Ball was easily my favorite. Getting into a good rhythm as it speeds up feels so satisfying.
I don’t own any original units, but I do have the 2010 Club Nintendo reproduction.