@fediverse Dumb question but do “likes” on #Mastodon automatically create up-votes on a #Lemmy post? I want to get a good grasp on the #Fediverse.
So this post has (at the time of writing this post):
- 0 favorites on mastodon
- 101 upvotes on lemmy (2 downvotes)
- 9 replies on mastodon (7 lemmy instances, 2 mastodon)
- 8 replies on lemmy (7 lemmy, 1 mastodon)
From this I would say it looks like lemmy upvotes dont federate at all with mastodon. Replies seem to federate but for some reason 1 reply from mastodon is missing on lemmy.
It’s a bit confusing because each action on the Fediverse uses the same universal language, but each service translates that language into their own specific rolls for their service.
Lemmy upvotes use “Like” which is common language in ActivityPub but down votes use “Dislike” which is
not* also used in the ActivityPub language. It’s up to the other services how they interpret that. Mastodon favourites use “Like” but it has nothing for “Dislike”. Mastodon boost uses “Announce” which is what Lemmy uses for posts and comments to a community.There are also some actions that use the ActivityPub language on both services but one simply just doesn’t send that action to the other service. Mastodon users can follow Lemmy users but Lemmy users cannot follow any users. I think Mbin does allow following users.
From the Lemmy ActivityPub documentation
An upvote for a post or comment send an ActivityPub Like action
Users can send posts or comments to a community which the community forwards to its followers in the form of Announce.
From the Mastodon ActivityPub Documentation
ActivityPub Like is transformed into a Favourite.
ActivityPub Announce is transformed into a boost on a status
down votes use “Dislike” which is not used in the ActivityPub language
In hindsight, I wrote that line after seeing some code on Github that I thought was for ActivityPub, but when I went back to it later I realised it was for Mastodon.
I remember reading (though I can’t find the source anymore) that Mastodon “favorites” and Lemmy upvotes are the same thing, but that it is not possible to downvote from Mastodon.
I up voted this from Lemmy, assuming it was posted from Mastodon so you tell me. (It shows 2 rn on my end)
@Kolanaki it appears that in the other direction up votes do not turn to likes. However, I liked your post from Mastodon and now it shows +2 on Lemmy. So that is very interesting.
I’m more confused after reading the responses so far than I was before coming here.
I think the short answer would be yes, because both services translates ‘likes’ the same. However, dislikes does not appear on mastodon.