One could argue that the US indirectly drove Europe to the far right.
Bully the world > some radicals with limited means decide to fight back in unorthodox ways > declare war on the radicals you nurtured > millions flee the wars you start and go to Europe > Europeans lose their mind and become increasingly racist and xenophobic
I guess the chain of dominoes could go further back…
Far right / Europe in general persecutes Jews
Jews develop Zionism
Western support for Israel antagonizes Arabs
War on Terror
mass migration to Europe and racial tension
resurgence of far right
(I suppose umpteen reasons for the Jews to have gotten persecuted in Europe, but the new testament calling them Christ killers properly bears a lot of blame)
(Then again, if the Romans had been a bit more reasonable taxing Judea in the first century and there wasn’t a war and Israel had been there the last two millennia then maybe the above wouldn’t have been so bad? Who knows)