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Computer science terms that sound like fantasy RPG abilities

I’ll start:

  • Firewall
  • Virtual Memory
  • Single source of truth
  • Lossless Compression (this one sounds really powerful for some reason)

Your turn

Hard mode: Try not to include closer to domain-specific things like javascript library names

    13 days ago

    I had a bit too much fun with these :)

    Magical Items
    • The Bandwidth Cap
      Cursed item that limits the magical power of it’s wearer
    • The Token Ring
      Magical ring that allows the wielder to communicate over large distances. They can receive messages from one token ring and send message to another.
    • The Memory Barrier
      Protective charm that shields the mind from intrusion.
    • The Shadow Register
      A magical ledger that records secrets and hidden locations in the immediate area.
    • The Superscalar
      A legendary shimmering sword that can strike multiple foes in a single attack.
    • Loopback
      Redirects a spell to its point of origin.
    • Jabber
      Causes the target to produce incoherent speech and lose its train of thought.
    • Branch Prediction
      Gives the caster foresight to predict their opponent’s next action.
    • Traceroute
      A tracking spell that reveals the path of a target.
    • Mask
      Hides the caster’s true identity.
    • Hypertransport
      Enables instantaneous movement over short distances.
    • Interrupt
      Counterspell to disrupt an enemy’s casting.
    Spell modifiers
    • Broadcast
      Modifies spell to affect a large area.
    • Unicast
      Modifies spell to affect a single point with maximum damage.
    • Multicast
      Modfies spell to affect multiple selected targets.
    • Repeater
      Modifies spell to recast itself over multiple turns.
      13 days ago

      Transmission Control Protocol - Modifies teleportation and summoning to be very specific.

      Universal Datagram Protocol - see “Shout”