Hating on beehaw makes perfect sense, then. Fascists and an empathy-negating neurosis, generally due to early childhood trauma in that area, name a more iconic duo. All those other things (commies, progressives, furries) actually have their fascist versions but hippies? Forget it. Incompatible in principle.
Hating on beehaw makes perfect sense, then. Fascists and an empathy-negating neurosis, generally due to early childhood trauma in that area, name a more iconic duo. All those other things (commies, progressives, furries) actually have their fascist versions but hippies? Forget it. Incompatible in principle.
♪ Now it is 1984 ♪
♪ Knock-knock at your front door ♪
♪It’s the suede denim secret police ♪
♪ They have come for your uncool niece! ♪