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Looks like the first camera guy made it but man that’s close
In the second video does it look like the big flaming thing rolls over someone running?
100%, around 6 seconds in. No way they dodged that.
What a way to go. Although it is kinda their fault.
can we see the first videographer? I think there are two people trying to get out of its way
No. The first video ends on a car you can’t see in the 2nd video.
If video games have taught me anything, it’s that the rolling piece of something coming at you is about to trigger a quick time event. Get ready to dodge!
Presses X, tanker to the face.
Someone correct me, but that looks like natural gas or LPG, turning into a what amounts to a fuel air bomb. I’m assuming it’s a secondary to an attack.
It’s called a BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion) and they’the things of nightmares.
Ah, yes… How could my mythbuster lessons in explosions leave my memory?