That’s a manbearpig
I’m super cereal!
Ye i mean super-duper cereally: who said it wasn’t the carver’s intention to make it so very unclear that a child’s fantasy can turn it into whatever animal it wants. It’s a multifunctional children’s toy
It’s a boar to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+1 vote for boar 🐗
Hasn’t anyone on that excavation team ever played Valheim? This is clearly a boar.
I’d like to imagine no one could guess what it was back then too and maybe bumming out the carver lol
Sven: Man, Olaf, that’s a great cow!
Olaf (blinking away tears): thanks. (sobbing quietly): it’s a bear.
It’s clearly a chicken
Team Dog, especially with that tail.
It’s a bear, or a pig/boar.
Can they clean it off a bit? It looks like one of the mud cookies my sister used to make when she was 3.
The story has a pic of it post-cleaning