Take my angry upvote hahahaha
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Take my angry upvote hahahaha
And if you “block” it through GPO, it only blocks the user accessible button. The thing still collects data, digests it, and ships it off to Microsoft. I tried replacing the exe with a blank file, taking all permissions to my user and denying to SYSTEM. Update replaced it. Honestly, though, this feature of Update is a good one (fixing/replacing corrupted files). Just wish it didn’t mess replace my ai.exe file lol
There was talk about teleporting a photon, but it was a mathematically possible (but technologically impossible) theory. A whole human is a pipedream.
I don’t agree with all of this. I agree with the investigation. I agree with the ban. I don’t agree with waiting for anything. Ban it, irrespective of the investigation. It’s a cesspool, and no investigation is going to fix that.
Edit: autocorrect.
🎶 Beauty and the beast
Aw dang. You got a point…
Mechanical Keyboard Sounds: Recordings of Bespoke and Customized Mechanical Keyboards
Edit: This is less music, and more relaxation sounds. But I really like it.
str 86;
str itmTo86;
86='get rid of';
info(strFmt('%1 %2',86,itmTo86));
(This won’t actually work, since you can’t assign ints as variables, but whatever. It was fun)
I have never heard of either 86 nor this speakeasy. What a cool thing to learn! Thanks for sharing this historic nugget!
Edit, autocorrect on grammar
This is a very interesting use of this tech, as a countermeasure to the corpos’ use of it. I appreciate the share!
Very cool. Thanks for sharing!
And this tax needs to increase 25% every 6 months until it’s no longer empty.
That’s a fair point.
Fight Club style. If you’re able to keep yourself from assimilating or being discovered, it could work.
I agree completely with your comment. Including the rage at the end lol
Is this different than Charging Control? I’m on 7 Pro CalyxOS and have been using that since I was on 4 XL [a couple years ago]. I figured it was AOSP…
Edit: added a cleared timeline.