How much do you want to get exported to a south american labour camp ?
How much do you want to get exported to a south american labour camp ?
329 people cleaning the ganges, lol, i mean it all helps but that’s a small number and a big river
I just dont understand labours position on this
Props for honest reasoning.
And a good divorce lawyer
From a labour government, crikey
In the annals of future history, ww3 was started because of eggs.
Original far cry. Witcher 3. Baldurs Gate 1,2 and 3 Assasins Creed Ezio games Civ
Cant pick one but based on hours played it would be civ
Get a fan or white noise app
You won, get over it
Americas chickens coming home to roost
deleted by creator
This is an interesting article that suggests a trend, but 40% still think the economy is ok is very concerning.
We paid a tiny bit more on a german train for dinner, fresh fish iirc and it was delicious, served by a waiter, god the railways in the uk are shit.
Hah, great article, well done USA today
Opera was originally art for the masses. I get the thing about everyone thinking its elitest but i was brought up by 2 generations of working class people who loved opera and classical music. Worked at the Derby Playhouse, its just elitist because its in movies and stuff a lot
You can say exactly the same about any music
Classical music is like any music, some of it is uplifting and beautiful and some doesnt do it for me, maybe you should try it though and see for yourself
Down 5% today buhahahahaha
You have way too much politics in the US, your judges, police chiefs, ad’s should never have been political.