Right this should be a no brainer.
If there isn’t already a Facebook group putting people on blast for openly advocating fascist white supremacist positions with their ACTUAL IRL NAMES AND FACE attached to it and ruining their lives idk how could we hope to make a dent taking out the sewer rats forum sliding on reddit.
I quit fb in like 2017 so it never even comes to mind. (Imo if you’re still on Facebook you’re already complicit, but I can’t deny that it gives you access to the masses.) Maybe a Herman-Cain-award-esque group for outing fascists would gain traction. We can foment unrest by showing boomers what their kids are doing under their nose.
Idk. I’m just spitballing. Trying to convince myself that individual militant activity is not going to move the needle until there is a critical mass of social upheaval over the conditions. Considering this as a vision board to create that opportunity.
What’s absolutely insane about it is that we literally got here by accident. Some homeopathic crank was selling diluted poison water to people, so he created a double blind test to prove his “medicine” was actually better than doing nothing and telling someone they would feel better, which ended up proving him absolutely wrong conclusively along with creating the wellspring of all medical advancement in the last century.
Behind the bastards did a series on the guy who invented this, and how he was a charlatan who’s only achievement was creating the means of proving himself wrong lmao Added a link if you want to check it out