As a non American, anyone who willingly votes for genocide is a Fascist.
As a non American, anyone who willingly votes for genocide is a Fascist.
Ah ok, you’re just a bad faith troll. Never mind.
Tankie is when you don’t think modern Russia is communist
And look at that, it didn’t get removed
Could you please cite your sources that Russia has kidnapped every child in eastern Ukraine and sent them to reduction camps. Could you please cite your sources that Russia sent every Ukrainian speaker to a torture prison. Could you please cite your sources that Russia banned a religion and forced all of eastern Ukraine to convert to a different one.
And could you also explain where the line is that all Russians deserve mass collective punishment, which Americans, who’s country invaded multiple others, killing millions, operating torture camps, and are now openly and full throatedly supporting the full extermination of Gaza, have not crossed?
As ever, western fascists believe all opposition to them is a secret plot by the sinister judeo-bolshavik conspiracy.
Interesting. Should the same thing be done to America?
Ok, but what the fuck did you mean by “he’s property of Syria?”
Lol, shitlibs suddenly don’t mind “whataboutism” when it’s time to defend the US and it’s allies.
What do you mean he’s a “property of Syria”?
Did you just wake up from a forty year coma or are you just stupid?
Very rare in the sense that they have a probability of 0.
Are you serious?
This is just homophobia, by the way
The fascists have already been cracking down on people trying to organize.
When a non-evil person reaches the conclusion that a government is unavoidably committing genocide, there next thought is “how can we bring about the end of this government?”, not “how can I maintain the good times for me personally?”. But Democrats are callous psychopaths.
Also, it’s already fascism you ghoul.
Well, I was reliably told by ten million Vote Blue No Matter Who people that there wouldn’t be another elections if Trump won, so I guess we’ll just never know…
Genocide apologist