Exactly what I came to the comments to find out. Thank you random stranger
Exactly what I came to the comments to find out. Thank you random stranger
The potential value to the Americans of Japanese-provided data, encompassing human research subjects, delivery system theories, and successful field trials, was immense. However, historian Sheldon H. Harris concluded that the Japanese data failed to meet American standards, suggesting instead that the findings from the unit were of minor importance at best. Harris characterized the research results from the Japanese camp as disappointing, concurring with the assessment of Murray Sanders, who characterized the experiments as “crude” and “ineffective.”
To back up your point that the research gained by unit 731 was useless.
Something I have learned while playing old games is old graphics is nothing compared to just how games were designed back in the day.
That drama happened in part BECAUSE .world has a problem not moderating enough against transphobia.
Personally, I’m happy not being federated with them.
Yes, because your phrasing shows your lack of care around bigotry towards people who use neopronouns. Its misgendering plain and simple, no different than if you misgendered a transwoman or transman. It should carry that same weight. And if it doesn’t then you are not a trans ally because you are not supporting trans rights, just the ones that fit within your view of normalcy. Purposely misgendering anyone for any reason is insulting, disrespectful, and harmful.
Listen, I ain’t huge on neo-pronouns but I use them anyways because I respect and care about people enough to use their preferred pronouns because no matter your reasons for not liking them, it doesn’t out weight the harm and disrespect you are doing to the other person. It is misgendering plain and simple, there is no real difference between misgendering someone who uses neopronouns and misgendering someone who doesn’t.
You prove the point by saying “just the neopronoun thing”
Unfortunately tankie as a word has lost its original meaning. Tankies themselves have worked to dilute its usage, but also liberals have picked up the word and use it indiscriminately against any radical leftists. It was a term specifically for authoritarian “leftists,” originally being used to insult and criticize those that supported the USSR’s use of tanks against the Hungarian Revolution and China with Tiananmen Square. I myself am an anarchist with a hate for MLs. I used to use tankie a lot, but after moving to Lemmy I realized it was not used the same way as I used it. I myself was getting called a tankie, and anarchists are obviously anything but authoritarian. I think the dilution of the word is a big reason why anti-“tankie” commentary is so prevalent. Most people don’t realize they are using it wrong, and so it takes away any meaning when people are using it correctly. Can’t take the serious stuff seriously cause its like the boy who cried wolf. I moved on to using the term “red-fash” to avoid the confusion. Plus I blocked Lemmy.ml, so that limits how much red-fash bs I have to put up with. But it definitely isn’t perfect, it doesn’t block users just the communities. But that does significantly cut back the amount of red-fash bs I have to see.
Shows the comment you are replying to while you are typing the reply, lots of customizability, a much cleaner and professional look, better filters, an explore page where it shows trending communities and stuff, and shows thumbnails to links. Thats all the stuff I have found so far.
Just Jerboa for Lemmy. Although I did just swap to Voyager and I’m really enjoying it. Way better than Jerboa
I posted this in my friend’s discord server and he gave me “The Role of Shame.”
If tankies and liberals would stop stabbing us in the back, then maybe us anarchists would stop infighting with them. Look at any anarchist history and it almost always is anarchists joining some sort of popular front, and then the statists backstabbing us the first opportunity they get. Spanish Civil War and the Ukrainian War for Independence being two perfect examples.
Personally I still work with statists, because I know I won’t get far organizing if I entirely avoid them. But I keep them at arms length cause I’m not letting those leopards anywhere near my face.
I did too but I still see the users. It just blocks all their communities.
How come nothing came of that?
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I’m so sorry your friend is going through that. Unfortunately, generational trauma is real and its slows if not full on stops progress. I hold this same sort of hypothesis for the education system. Why teachers continue to repeat the mistakes of the past and continue to use teacher-centered strategies despite most teachers believing in student-centered philosophies. We model our behavior off of those before us, and that leads us to make the same mistakes as them. Slowly shedding one or two things, but holding the majority. It requires an insane amount of deprogramming and self-reflection that we are not trained to do. I hope your friend is able to get away from all that toxicity and find a happy and healthy relationship. For their own sake, but also for future generations to learn from and hopefully we can collectively as a society work to break down these toxic habits
Quattro Bajeena vibes
Here’s my hypothesis. Relationships have historically (with some exceptions) been patriarchal and dominating. Men held power in society, but still needed women. So emotionally absent, toxic, authoritarian men looking for women, not for real companionship, but for reproduction and to have a servant basically. Women being forced into this role couldn’t openly express their issues without facing abuse so this culture of body language and subtle communication developed. This purely utilitarian and authoritarian style of relationship has been degrading in place of relationships built on mutual love and desire, but we still are influenced by how our parents treated each other, and each generation is slowly breaking away from this tradition. Some individuals more than others.
But this is not based on any sort of research or anything. This is my own uneducated guess and should be taken as such.
I just have really bad memory from a combo of ADHD and weed. Remembering where in the GUI to fix something is a lot easier than remembering commands. Especially when if I fuck up said command I could make the problem worse or make a whole new problem. GUI gives me visual landmarks that stick in my memory, and thats something the terminal doesn’t. Like navigating a city via landmarks vs via street signs. Tell me directions via streets I am lost, but tell me to go left after the walgreens on the river and now I know.