• 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I’m not talking about the poor: as you say, they’re tired and the assaults of ultra-capitalism are relentless.

    I’m talking about the middle class which, in the eyes of the ultra-rich, is just as insignificant as the ultra-poor, and is really only a few paychecks away from the same fate.

    Middle class people happily ignores the fate of their fellow man in the street, bow their head and say nothing, believing if they don’t make too much fuss, the ultra-rich will maintain the status quo and they won’t do too badly.

    That’s us. WE should pick up the pitchfork. We have the energy and we have a good reason, because really, we’re just slightly better than the poor and we pay a lot more taxes than the ultra-billionnaire sumbitches. But we don’t.

  • No device made to kill a human is humane

    Yes but some are more inhumane than others. That’s why the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons exists, which lists the following protocols:

    1. Non-detectable fragments: weapons specially designed to shatter into tiny pieces, which aren’t detectable in the human body. Examples are fragmented bullets or projectiles filled with broken glass.
    2. Mines, booby traps, and other devices: This includes anti-personnel mines, which are mines specially designed to target humans rather than tanks.
    3. Incendiary weapons: Weapons that cause fires aren’t permitted for use on on civilian populations or in forested areas.
    4. Blinding lasers: Laser weapons specifically designed to cause permanent blindness.
    5. Explosive remnants of war: Parties that have used cluster bombs in combat are required to help clear any unexploded remains.

    Thermite is a protocol 3 weapon. So again, while I understand that Ukraine is desperate to defend itself, using that stuff is not great.

  • I hate Putin and any Russian war sympathizer as much as the next guy, but…

    My grandfather got a white phosphorus burn during WW2. He told me it was the most terrible pain he ever felt in his entire life, you can’t extinguish it, and he wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemy. I heard the same kind of stories from people who got napalm burns in Vietnam.

    I’m pretty sure thermite munitions are in the same category of basically inhumane weapons regardless of the circumstances, right up there with NBCs, mines, napalm and white phosphorus, and I can’t say I fully side with the Ukrainians on this one. I mean I understand why they do it, but I also remember my grandfather’s leg and the horror of what he told me.