Any high ranking CCP officials looking for a cute femboy twink to impregnate?
I’m here to be cute and be inflammatory. Lemmy is a dumpsterfire and I am a pyromancer raccoon.
Any high ranking CCP officials looking for a cute femboy twink to impregnate?
I think it should. By not including this information it’s hard to understand what’s even happening. I guess it falls into the problem of all communities built around collective hate of something which is that the default response of people will just to be angry at whatever is posted.
I like the idea of a community that calls out mod abuse but I’m seeing lots of posts where it’s like “I said these things and I was banned.” Like okay? What judgements can I really make. Are you being honest? If I go to the post will you have really only said those things? Will there be other comments where you are saying other things that might play into the mods decision? Simply providing links to posts would help so much in quelling break out bloodlust in these lynch mob like communities. And for the cases where there is definitive mod abuse if the post isn’t linked I can’t go there and see that.
Probably give this community a couple more chances, if the quality of posts stays like this I’ll just filter it like I do with all the other “thing bad” communities.
A link to the post you commented on for context
Can it be a rule you actually have to include the post that got you banned
Is making an edit on a page where literally anyone can edit an achievement?
You know as crazy as it sounds I think they might actually go too obvious with the satire given the current political climate. It’s strange because the original was so blatantly satirical yet people still didn’t get it. Regardless I don’t think it will be as funny, I did like district 9 though so who knows
Veganism is unhealthy
Bartender, no community that I’m aware of but it’s a tradition to visit the cocktail communities and laugh/ rage at the the pretentious cocktail snobs there.
It’s an unfortunate truth that vegan children are simply too powerful for their parents to handle. The vegan diet gives kids unparalleled strength and telekinetic powers. As such they need to be raised in the Jedi temple on coruscant.
What does this meeannnn???
Yeah believe it or not peoples primary concerns are food, housing and health and everyone is willing to cause environmental stress to achieve these things. That said I do think more should be done to promote a sustainable environment but I don’t think letting people go without housing is worth whatever environmental benefits there is to not building houses.
Yeah I should have clarified that when I said “that sounds incredibly low” I wasn’t talking about relative to other countries I was talking about my perception of how many vacant homes there were in china. Before reading the article I thought it was wayyyy more than that.
Anectodatally I’ve heard similar things from people who have visited china and talked to locals who would complain about the quality (primarily the aesthetics and lack of individuality) of buildings there. I feel the solution to that problem is actually building more/ different houses though ironically.
I feel like both fall under the broader issue of housing. I think it’s totally reasonable to disagree with an article’s thesis because of the anti-thesis being perceived as worse. Also people with this attitude of policing “off topic discussion” can go fuck themselves. This is social media and the whole point is socialisation and discussion. So what if the topic moves outside of what you deem appropriate? If people are talking about it, let them talk about it.
65 million is about 5% of the population of China, I think that’s a fine amount of excess so people living communally have an easy option to move out to and for young adults moving out of home. I don’t think impact on environment/ economy is that big a deal from my perspective. My perspective being someone who pays over 10 times the amount of rent my parents did, housing being such a large expense of mine that it can be considered my only expense and everything else is a rounding error and being constantly stressed about having a place to live. I would have 0 problems if my government were to vastly increase its investment in housing even at the expense of the environment.
Australia has entered the chat
Wait only 17% of new buildings are unoccupied?
That seems incredibly low. I don’t like to give China too much credit but framing this as a problem seems disingenuous. Like people are literally struggling to find places to live in the english speaking world and I’m supposed to think that having an entirely reasonable excess of housing is a bad thing. Tbh economic and environmental stressors be damned I think it’s way more important that people have a place to live.
Being a troll online
I never would’ve guessed 🙄
Fr I straight up am not paying enough attention to words to tell if my name is being spelled correctly. So long as the first and last are correct and the rest looks plausible I won’t even notice anything.
Amouranth is my role model