• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • As a young teenager I did not care.

    Were you a young teenage girl? Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys’ psychology. There’s absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.

    I would agree with your other replier on this. Furthering that, I would say this is the teenage boys’ attempt to challenge authority by undermining her authority with her open sexuality as a tool. They found a leverage to have power over her. And they’re going to use it to the full extent. They’re at a point in time of their growth where they find their social hierarchy. Almost every male mammal engages in this. They pick fights and they learn where they stand by winning and losing. And they want to get as high as possible. This explains the anger that you pointed out, because challenging authority and fighting is inherently similar emotion to anger.

  • What part am I wrong about? Her OF account has clearly affected her job as a teacher. The evidence of what I said is right there. You’re in denial of facts of what has already occurred. If she didn’t see this coming, she’s stupid.

    I don’t care if you think people shouldn’t be judgmental. You’re being judgement of me right now. And I am of you right now. People always are, always have been and always will. That’s how humans work. Your denial or calling it out as bad is irrelevant in your ability to plan for the future.

    Edit: Let me be clear. I am not defending the judgmental. I am pointing out the lack of social understanding.

  • Humans are social creatures. We are affected direct and indirectly by other people whether you like it or not (unless you want to become a hikikomori).

    The fact that other people give a shit about about someone making porn in their free time, should make you give a shit. This is irrelevant to whether you think they should give a shit or not. Your lack of ability to give a shit signals your lack of foresight into how this affects your life as well as lack of social skills. If she wants to be an OF model, and therefore chooses to do OF content, that’s fine. If she wants to be a teacher and thinks she can do OF without consequence, she’s stupid.