Wait… Taxi Cab is short for something?
Wait… Taxi Cab is short for something?
God I need to learn how to lucid dream… okay I know how, but I need to get better at it
Re-Legalize Right To Repair and pirates will take care of the rest
Wasn’t Indy knowingly bluffing in this scene?
Nope, I heard not a damn thing from Reddit
The Republicans aren’t looking for leadership or ideas, they’re looking for a strong man who beats his chest at “Soy boy rivals”
Vance… aint that guy
Not only that, but they very much acted like they were the ones who were owed an apology
Trump’s been talking about how he won because of Elon “being good with computers”
Investigations were launched over less
And that’s why I’m excited for Early Days, to play in a format where you can’t do that.
See normally, you can summon ONE Monster, use as many Spell Cards as you have, or set (Put them on the field face down) Spell or Trap cards to use later… Maybe even set a spell card that doesn’t actually do anything relevant at any real juncture to bluff your opponent and make them think that you put down some deadly trap that will activate if they do the wrong thing.
But hold on, you can use cards that SPECIAL Summon a monster and that doesn’t count against your summoning of ONE Monster… but when only a couple of rarer spells or Effect Monsters do that and only under special conditions it’s not a problem…
But then you keep printing cards that let you Special Summon, then you make cards that when Special Summoned allow you to put them back in your hand and summon something from your deck in its place.
Oh and also you can “Link two monsters together” to Synchro-Summon a third stronger monster from your extra deck, which counts as a Special Summon and thus isn’t using your ONE normal summon…
Basically: The rules were fair, but… then they KEPT printing stronger and stronger cards without any concern for how to balance the game…
Personally I gave up when Normal Monsters more or less stop being printed and Effect Monsters stopped being this “Once in a blue moon, you’ll get a monster that does something special… Maybe if it you flip it over it kills a monster or restores life points, maybe it has a low summon cost BUT the effect forces you to pay a different kind of cost to make up for it ?”, and started being more “Every monster will wildly change the rules of the game and let you do two or three things.”
And Konami is such an incompetent company that Pot of Greed (a card that lets you… draw two cards… and nothing else) is this super evil card that must be banned at all costs (yet they keep making support cards that require being played in conjunction with Pot of Greed in order to do anything… so… figure that one out) and never allowed to see the light of day…
But a card like Exoddius The Ultimate Forbidden Lord that has no cost to play, counts as a special summon, completely empties my graveyard, revives EVERY monster that was inside of it and puts them back in my deck (giving me amazing levels of card advantage), that gains 1000 attack power for every monster in my graveyard is just fine…
See it’s fine because my graveyard was emptied, so Exoddius only has 0 Attack power to start with and isn’t going to live very long unless I do something clever…
Is what I’d say if there weren’t like 500 cards that just automatically let me do overpowered shit that makes my turn take even longer, for the cost of… weak cards that actually are an advantage to me when killed not only because Exoddius gets a boost from their deaths… but have their own effects that activate upon them reaching the graveyard…
Ugh… In fact so many cards have a “When this card is sent to the graveyard” or “While this card is in the graveyard” effect, that in the current meta, your discard pile is basically a second deck of resources at this point…
So much so that a SECOND Discard Pile had to be created for cards that are COMPLETELY out of play and have NO ABILITY to effect anything, just so the game can be even slightly balanced and it obviously still isn’t.
Reboot. The. Card. Game. Already. Konami.
The GOP proved that they’re not above randomly making up new rules just to complain the other side isn’t following them with all the “traditions” that Obama snubbed
The FBI killed him, Cash was innocent.
This video is more or less what the game has devolved into, I don’t expect you to be able to follow it, because I can’t either.
All you really need to know is Modern Yugioh asks and answers a bold question…
That question is “So when does the other gentleman in the duel get to actually have a turn?” and the answer is “The neat part is, that he does not.”
Oh it was always going to end this way, I’m just surprised it took this long.
No no, I’m legitimately sure that Vance doesn’t believe that the Judiciary Branch can check on the Executive.
When you get high up enough on the ladder, you don’t go to school to learn things, you go there to meet the right people.
Remember: Trump is a College Graduate and was described as more or less being the dumbest student his professors ever had, and yet he still passed and even played on the baseball team (despite being too unhealthy for Vietnam)
Money talks, getting good grades is for losers and plebs who have to work for a living.
“You’re hurting the wrong people.”
Insert TF2 “We are auto-balancing the teams!” meme here
I feel like Konami and I both want it to be like the show, but that means different things to both parties.
I think it means, a battle of wits in which ultimately two parties are summoning stronger and stronger monsters trying to one up the other in the course of a duel while throwing curve balls via Spell or Traps, maybe even an Effect monster or two.
And Konami thinks it means “Every card printed after 2006 needs to be the most gimmicky bullshit you’ve ever seen and do such absurd things that it would and literally does have entire paragraphs printed on the smallest text ever on each card just to go on and on about how horribly this warps the rules of the game, and the further you go, the more absurdly broken these cards get to the point where insane moon logic is at play more than anything else.”
So I want Battle City and Konami wants Duelist Kingdom, which is ironic because Battle City comes after Duelist Kingdom
Seriously I tried playing Master Duel and had to surrender because I literally got a headache trying to remember what all of my cards did.
Remember when most of your monsters were just Attack/Defend goons who just had flavor text whereas a few here and there might have some small effect? Good times… I’m not even sure Non-Effect monsters exist anymore.
Well a lot of people had to go to court before Transpeople could start getting passports and I’m not sure all of us can
The Free Speech Absolutist everybody!
Yes… yes… I should