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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2024

  • Saudi Arabia especially gets a lot of free passes because of western liberals’ laser focus on Israel and unwillingness to criticize any Islamic country due to a fear of being labeled as Islamophobic despite these countries being the most illiberal places on Earth. Saudi has a lot to answer for with their genocide in Yemen and sypport for various terror groups and we, the United States sell them a metric fuck ton of weapons and military equipment. We also do not have them on our list of state sponsors of terrorism like we do Iran, Sudan, Syria, and of all places, Cuba.

    China and Myanmar also don’t get enough flak for their abuse of the Uighur and Rohingya ethnic groups respectively.

    And of course everyone has forgotten about how the Taliban now rule Afghanistan and are inching closer day by day to being recognized a legitimate sovereign state despite literally being a terrorist organization that deprives its own citizens of basic rights every day. But the funny thing to me is that Saudi does a lot of the same shit but the west looks the other way because they have money. I mean it was considered a major reform in their society a couple years back when women were first allowed to drive cars at all.

  • In the first safe country they arrive at like they’re supposed to under international law. If their claim is denied, then they need to accept deportation.

    There’s nothing fascist about that. It’s the international convention for how these things are handled. Refugees don’t get to pick and choose where they are given refuge.

    This reminds me of the south Americans coming up in one of the caravans who were given free food and shelter by the Mexican government and they complained that they didn’t like the food and threw it away. And those people wanted to keep going up to the US. That’s not fair in any sense and anyone who’s being that picky about where they’re given asylum and what food they’re given using tax money from a host country isn’t a legitimate refugee.

  • My issue isn’t with the people it’s with the fact that they break the law to enter this country. If you want them to be able to come over then follow the democratic process and change the law instead of encouraging breaking it.

    And since you want to be all patronizing my parents and grandparents immigrated to this country and had to go through a long process to do so. Those processes aren’t just there for no reason. Part of the process involves getting medical exams done to ensure people aren’t bringing over diseases, which I would think any sane person would support, there are also checks to ensure that said person doesn’t have any criminal history and so on. Skip all of that and you have no fucking clue what kinds of people you’re letting in.

    And that’s before we consider how big of a slap in the face it is to people who did follow all the rules and are waiting to get in legally while you want to allow those who break the law to get in to stay without any consequences.

    You say that these people are good for the country and provide value and I don’t disagree that they can be however we need to have an orderly system for processing people to get work visas, green cards, and citizenship and we do. My issue is that we shouldn’t let those who decide they can just circumvent the system because they don’t like it to get away with it unpunished and frankly neither should the predatory employers that knowingly employ them.

    If you really think we need more people to come in and work then call your congressman and get them to raise the quota for temporary work visas so these people can be screened, come in, work legally and with all employment protections offered under US law, pay taxes, and go home.

  • He killed the bill because without it he would lose his single biggest campaign issue.

    But it’s pretty ridiculous all around when your only options are:

    A) Put illegal aliens in concentration camps and prisons

    B) Don’t enforce immigration laws at all and disband ICE.

    In a sane world you would enforce immigration laws but do so in a way that doesn’t violate human rights and which considers asylum claims as required under US law and international conventions.