I appreciate a no-bullshit approach to moderating users. This is an instance that doesn’t allow assholes or transphobes. I like that.
She/Her -
Was bullied off reddit by mean moderators, but it’s a corporation anyway -
🏳️⚧️ -
Pro kindness|gressiveness, Anti cruelty|bullshit.
I appreciate a no-bullshit approach to moderating users. This is an instance that doesn’t allow assholes or transphobes. I like that.
Thank you so much! Turns out my router is buggy and yes, I realized the hits were just peers. I’m a stoopid
Bingo - I haven’t been in this exact situation before so I had no idea. Clicking the link opens the app flawlessly, I should make more of an effort to check links in a browser
I also appreciate that Notepad notes now don’t need to be manually saved to a file. They’re probably in temp storage somewhere, but the point is you can just write and close.
Good luck with Spiro, it’s not recommended in Europe because of its link to higher chances of cancer and strokes. I was given a replacement once the UK NHS gender clinic took me in, of Decapeptyl.
I used to take 100mg of Spiro every 12h. I ended up blitzing my T into oblivion aha
Hormone alteration isn’t directly related to body size, though - you only need as much as needed to drop your body’s production of certain hormones. This requires blood tests to monitor.
You right. I was talking to my partner the other day about the injustice of record labels taking the artists’ achievements as their own, putting the artists’ triple platinum record on their walls as if they did more than advertise. Authors too - some authors sign predatory contracts with publishers that completely castrate their earnings but the publisher gets rich. Creators of media, for the most part, get completely wrung dry unless they manage themselves. I’d say movies are one of the only sectors of the industry that don’t leech the artists as far as I know
I’ve recently discovered a very useful app on f-droid called YTDLnis, that uses yt-dlp. Most of the typical scripting and config is hidden and the frontend just involves a URL to video/s, and pre-download preview.
Is that what they taught in your school? In mine they just taught mostly useless subjects. Schools now teach critical thinking I believe, which to me is insane, as I used to think everyone had the innate ability to make decisions for themselves.
Or a goddamn mech suit from Fallout
I found one called conduwuit and immediately used that to setup lol
Autumn is my favourite because you can be cosy for the first time in months, with jumpers and soups.
Not to be mistaken for ‘Fall’, as Fall is a period of time within Autumn, and not a season.
Even better that only the first line was visible until I scrolled
Yeah, that’s my biggest concern as well. For example LetsPlay. They had a controversy in which one primary Minecraft player was fired and removed from the group, and I think a couple of their videos were scrubbed, even though the vast majority of content in the video was good entertainment.
There are also copyright and DMCA claims ruining any YouTuber’s video, entertainment value and monetisation, including Google bending the knee to corporations that don’t actually have the right to claim any content… There are a lot of reasons for wanting to archive the internet, mostly state/corporate overreach
I just do a lot of scavenging on the internet for prices, overclockers’ findings (they’re usually knowledgeable on how close to stock the cards are), specs like clockspeed, reviewers’ failure rates (average score and trending complaint reasons give a fair idea of build quality) and YouTubers’ gameplay comparisons with intensive games to see real-world framerate generation. Brands might change over time, so its always good to check again if its been a while, but generally their goals for modding GPUs stay the same.
If you are morally inclined, it’d also be prudent to do a quick background check on the brand for ethically terrible actions, like when was the last time they were responsible for a village’s drought, people dying, supporting cruelty to others etc. You can rate a brand by not only their care toward their product, but also toward customers via support and success of RMA (returns for defects), and toward humanity as a whole. ASUS score low on the customer front.
Glad you got it working! ytdl-sub is my go-to as well now that I’ve migrated it to a Linux server. A fantastic program. Be sure to enable throttle_protection though, my limits were too low and my account got blocked (using cookies because some of my subscriptions’ videos get flagged mature)
For those three, my experience has been Asus - overpriced, Sapphire - great value, Gigabyte - optimised but close to manufacture performance. My target has always been a Sapphire Radeon because they’re cheaper than Asus, but not suspiciously cheap that they might burn your rig down. ASRock are a good choice too, typically above average price:performance.
It still works for now. I’m in emergency hoard-shit-for-no-good-reason mode
Are you having issues? Because I’ve covered almost every error in my own attempts
I use DuckDuckGo’s email proxy service, you can sign up for one custom email and generate any amount of temporary-use addresses for the ones you don’t trust to stop spamming when you ask them to. The purpose of their system is to be the address you sign up with, and they do their best to strip trackers and garbage, and forward it onto an email of your choice. You can change the forwarding email at any point, so it can be incredibly useful for a transitioning period.
I use Mailcow dockerized for a home domain, it is actually a very acceptable price for me being able to:
I used a very lovely and helpful YouTuber’s guide for it, Opentaq (here)
Same for me. Although I accepted the apparent potential of it when I was asked to provide all my contact information, I’m happy to not find any of my information public.
I knew the Israeli-Palestine conflict would cone up eventually. I’m with him for most things up until that point. He called the attack on October 7th a “genocide”. Genocide is attempted eradication of a demographic of humanity deemed lesser by the attackers. The IDF is committing genocide against Palestine, not the other way around…
On a side note, is there any truth in his claims about increasing antisemitic attacks on Jewish residents of, I’m guessing, the US? I know the acting President threw a sieg heil but if the US is really starting to go that way, that’s very worrying. Last time Jews were persecuted, between 11 and 29 million non-‘cishet white christian males’ were murdered alongside them.