Lmao really anime is your proof?
Lmao really anime is your proof?
Nope and the neat part is you can read it all now.
How it feels walking into a pool on a hot summer day.
And somehow it’s the dems fault…
That’s crazy that people think ea is the worst company ever when nestle exists.
It truly speaks to their level of entitlement gamers have. What’s worse, a company that literally kills babies or one that closes down a studio?
A a multiple z flip owner. Don’t do it! Pocket lint has broken 2 of my z flip 4!
I can see the future article now…
Trumpers march the gays off to death camps and it’s the dems fault.
My vizio tv auto plays shows, ads, and light music if you leave it idling too long after you turn it on. Moving the remote down just once disables it till the next time your on home screen.
“I’m mad that dems arnt being dem enough so I’ll do the same thing. That’ll show em!”
Hell yea! Going on my steam deck when the price drops.
I see nothing wrong with this law. It literally says we are banning cp in anime.
Not every sex quirk is a sexuality.
I’m sure they’ll use all the same resources they used to find that luigi guy.
An american woman wouldn’t put up with his shit. My brother is unfortunately a trumper, and he got a foreign wife because she is the only woman that will put up with his shit that a normal woman would have walked out of years ago.
She slaves over him like a tradwife, raises his kids that isn’t hers from the previous woman that walked away from his shit. But he’s got joint custody.
Ah yes, the extreme left and their extreme belief of equal rights for all humans.
Bro got down voted for telling the unwashed masses to practice some vigilance and personal responsibility. Fuck…
What’s your point? That personal responsibly stops existing in a large group of people?
No - Bugs Bunny.
“He went to jail for Trump, was forgotten by Trump, but still believes in him.”
Jesus Lmao