I’m glad to hear that. How are you doing?
That is so cool!
I don’t have adhd, but my husband has what he categorizes as mild adhd. It is thanks to a mixture of meds and therapy as a child that he manages his symptoms as an adult without medication.
Hey friend. I know that things feel very big and overwhelming. Is there someone local that you can ask to help navigate this with you? I mean both local to where you are now and where your stuff is. Local to you can help with what you yourself are feeling and doing and local to your stuff to potentially halp on that end?
My dude, it will not look better when it’s healed… that’s a dick.
In the short term, leasing to a farmer isn’t a bad idea. It looks like a lot of your tentative plans will take time and money, so a short term land rental might be a good idea.
Being a DM is not about telling YOUR story, it’s about coming together with your players to create a story. So even if you are going off a pre-written campaign or story you created, you are incharge of the story. Let the rule of fun reign. If a battle is taking forever you can cut down the number of enemies or the enemy’s abilities. Your in charge and if done right your players don’t even know.
Thanks to the internet you also don’t even need much. Get your hands on a core book and a dice set used by all is all that you need to play. Sure maps and miniatures are fun but some systems don’t need them, some players are perfectly fine with the theatre of the mind play, or some small toys on a self drawn grid on sheet paper can work.
I am a prolific reader, but just a meh at sewing, knitting, and gardening.
I don’t get any after I made one cry. I simply asked them if they were happy with their life, if they are proud of what they do, what if I was their parents or grandparents? They hung up after a watery “shut up”. Any I get are dead lines or immediate hang ups on their end now.
I’m doing another perfection run. It’s the onlything keeping me sane as I’ve been sick all week.
If a pipe breaks or just starts leaking or water comes in from a different apartment and you aren’t there to catch it you can get mold.
Know yourself and use honest communication to get to know your partner.
English, some Spanish, can read some French, and can read Middle English
Office Admin for Post Secondary. There is no office admin community, and there’s an academia community
Be the submissive wife and be joyfully available…
It always bothers me as well. It also is trying to get around the fact that pedophilia hurts children and in their view homosexuality doesn’t harm anyone. Unless you have the view that consenting adults don’t have the ability to recognize harm if “they” don’t agree with their “choices”.
https://lemm.ee/c/ObscureMusic has been pretty great for music discovery.
I have never met a street preacher/team that didn’t feel gross. Honestly, in the west everyone knows christ. If you want to change some negative connotations about the/your church, I would recommend doing charity work that doesn’t require recipients to be Christian/from your church to receive.
That poor baby!