No offence, but I think you are throwing a whole lot of hate towards a trivial matter.
No offence, but I think you are throwing a whole lot of hate towards a trivial matter.
Yeah lol and they are all like “wHy aLl tHe HaTe” after months of mysognistic , white supremacists and downright racist commentary. Hopefully he does not go full snowflakes though then they will have to turn on him from within.
Or in case of the above commentor where they have given up on democracy entirely. Typically a mindset for from those whose party is corrupt but they try to flip it around with an attempt of “bOtH pArTiEs” style of argument.
Now I am not saying there is not corruption within the democrats but I would bet it would pale in comparison to the corruption that the republican party is filled with. All of this is validates by the hyprocrisy by which they currently lead.
Now I am not saying all republicans are corrupt either as I do have to say Adam Kinzinger has been garnering a soft spot in me lately.
It’s so the republicans/conservatives feel validated by the fact there is a corruption in the government…… the rest of us are just waiting for them to catch onto the fact it’s primarily their own party that is corrupt. Just gotta be patient though as they struggle to grasp these mind of concepts quickly.
Because I suppose controlling it and studying it in a controlled environment like a lab would be too hard a notion to conceive for these idiots. Nah, we should let this thing potentially get nastier in a situation that ultimately would be very bad if it did get nastier.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
—Martin Niemöller
Edit: Freedom of Speech huh
Oh hell yeah, I saw a commenter in a previous article relating to CANZUK say “The US CANZUK our balls!” and I am really fighting the urge to get a t-shirt with this printed on it.
From your response I am assuming you voted for Trump. If so may I ask where you got your i formation from regarding all his policies leading up to the election?
Thats MAGA in a nutshell. Thats what we are fighting against. The massive misinformation/disinformation spewed out on social platforms and people lacking critical thinking skills has created this perfect storm of idiocracy.
Yeah well worth imo, him and Emma Vigeland who co hosts with him on his daily show are i credible debaters.
Has been awhile but yeah I got the whole he was into the “anti-woke” thing because my brother in law watches him and is getting anti-woke.
All those gay republicans/conservatives that voted for Trump are going to be feeding the leopards well.
Well the young lady on the Jubilee video that Sam Seder debated was quoted saying “What’s the problem with xenophobic nationalism?” And that the Trump administration although are doing things to her liking are not extreme enough for her.
So I will be sticking with the South African Ambassador on this one.
The fact you don’t feel safe to protest is by far the most poignant point for me. Unless you are prepared to protest and be loud about it to stand up for your rights and the rights of others then they have won.
Throughout the history of the US, protests have been the one mechanism the public has had to voice their displeasure of the government. From Vietnam war, march on Washington for civil rights the protests have been what was needed for change.
Authoritarianism is not going to go away quietly or peacefully. So unless you want more of what you see then I urge you to protest and be proud and loud about your objection of the current administrations actions.
Edit: I will add it’s easy for someone like me to just say all of this, because being in another country I am not the one facing this. My point I am trying to make is that protests have been a tradition in the US and one that you will need to find strength to do if you really want change to happen.
This from the guy which was harping on about Kamala being a war monger.
I would have preferred a harder stance from us on this tbh.
If you google Habitat for Humanity and read their mission statement then it’s obvious the real reason particularly when you get to the last past.
The best thing about all of this is the fact this was all about making America great again but in fact it will do the opposite. Tarriffs and the realisation that the US are unreliable allies is only going to drive other countries to find other markets, and the arming if they avoid US tech means production and industry booming in countries but not the US. He is going to make America realise that what they had was great before he and Leon came along.
Thats right, these rich and wealthy are happy to sacrifice the current economy for a recession for their “plan”. I hope the average joe worker who voted them in is ready for that sacrifice for the next few years because it’s going to be rough but don’t you mind the rich and wealthy will be fine as they buy the low dip on well everything enriching themselves further.
I would love to come across one of the voters that voted for the orange fascist because they thought Kamala would be worse for the Palestines somewhere in the wild. It would be incredible to see if they still feel strongly about it now.