The dad thriller genre?
I find it strange because when you look at the highest rated TV series of all time, almost all of them are about 10-13 episodes long a season. Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Dark. The long-form 22-24 episode a season TV series are not as highly critically acclaimed, on average, in comparison.
I don’t mean to appeal to popularity here, but the most ‘prestigious’ of content has mostly been serialised.
I’d personally like to see a TV adaptation of Equilibrium, without the gun-fu - just the concept of an emotionless society is interesting.
And 28 Days Later as a TV series.
Btw can u update the movies sidebar and any other sidebars, and if u have any communities you want me to add (or add urself) to televisions sidebar
And the subs have gone from like 100 to 250 in a day (or less than) 👍
Do you think Black Sails, Dark were constrained?
Depends on the TV series purpose. Many episodes in 26 episode seasons weren’t plot-driven as such, as the episode was entirely self-contained and could be skipped without missing anything related to the wider arc
The television community on is shut down
We’re consolidating.
Yes. It’s for TV
Movies and TV are very different communities. There is a some crossover in the sense that some TV series finish into movies, sure, but the audiences can be quite different.
The “bro prestige shows”. The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire. They’re just fundamentally uninteresting to me as concepts. I’m not really a fan of crime shows.
If you don’t like the direction of a movie or show, you can just watch something else. There is an entire caustic critic industry based around complaining about Disney. It is sad.
Well, sure, but we’re not talking about anime here but heavily serialised live-action shows.
The level of utter derangement people have over mainstream cinema (marvel, star wars, franchise, action slop, disney remakes) being ‘tainted’ by a raceswap, or being ‘woke’ in some way is off the scales.
There are genuinely people crying themselves to sleep over the perceived quality of the entertainment equivalent of happy meals. There’s an entire caustic critic industry over it. It’s honestly pathetic how so many people have MCU Derangement syndrome.
Severance, Silo, For All Mankind, Dark Matter
To be sure, Foundation was very different - but it absolutely had (has) some good invented parts (Such as the Cleons)
Apple TV have pretty good success with tv shows
TV/Film are pretty different communities, but the overspill of them can be merged - to be sure.
I think one thing you have to keep in mind is that a lot of leading contemporary actors who get cast in modern TV series are not down to do 20-24 episodes a season as leads. Many of them are on other shows, or films and don’t want such an obscene filming schedule - and are able to negotiate that as an outcome. Apart from which, a contemporary 20-24 episodes long TV series really has to compete in a way it didn’t 20, even 10 years ago. Unless you’re just a by-the-books network medical/cop procedural with a built-in presumably older audience, there’s a lot more competition for people’s attention now.
When TV shows were airing in the 90s and early 00s and late 00s, people weren’t really watching korean TV, or nordic noir for instance. There was very little of it comparatively, and what there was barely made it to the USA. This means getting people’s attention for a TV show with such a large amount of episodes compared to everything else is a pretty tall order. Audiences also expect, I think, better budgets per episode now.
I watched Mr. Robot years ago now, but I’d disagree that it was harmed by its episode count. It was intensely serialised and packed a lot in it, whereas the majority of older 20-24 episode shows were primarily ‘monster-of-the-week’ with some of them having over half of their episodes a season completely self-contained.