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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I liked it a lot, more than Tidal (what I have now). But the last few months with Qobuz I had streaming issues, because of something on their end. It was a freak issue though. The catalgue was absolutely wonderful especially if you’re into jazz like me. It allowed you to browse record labels too, which I sorely miss.

    I switched because of the streaming issues and because tidal has a connect option, which allows me to send music without compression over wifi to my stereo, natively from tidal (spotify has it too, but lower quality sound)

  • Scotland has a deer problem (they have no natural enemies anymore). So any reforestation effort fails because deer eat the shoots and young trees (just look up the Brewdog reforestation fiasco). The re-introduction of a predator would bring balance. Wolves would do, but people and especially sheep farmers are very scared to do that. The lynx is a less intimidating option.

    I’m not from Scotland, but I live in Belgium, where wolves are making a comeback, even in Flanders, and lynx are also back in the ardennes. I’d say Scotland has A LOT more wild land than Belgium, which is massively paved over and farmed intensively.